Roy Morgan Research


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Two-Speed Recovery

When the consumer economy starts to recover and create the next normal, the architects of recovery will not be economists or politicians – they will be premium consumers. It will be a two-speed recovery and the fast lane will be driven by a premium band of recession-busting consumers known as the New Economic Order.

Consumers are, after all, the ultimate shareholders of the consumer economy, so ignore these future-shapers at your peril.

Twenty-four percent of the population, the New Economic Order or NEOs are already shaping their new reality; planning for what it will look and feel like to come out of the Great COVID Lockdown. There are 5 million NEOs in Australia, 60 million in the US, and they are not called the New Economic Order for nothing – they are the most valuable consumers in the economy. And if history is any guide, follow them and you will find a better future. But more of that later.

After exhaustive evaluation by our data scientists, Roy Morgan has selected the NEO consumer framework to underpin our Premium suite of business solutions. Identified by social scientist Dr Ross Honeywill, NEOs are the consumers who munched, drank, invested, and spent their way through the last recession, SARS and the GFC.

NEOs spend more, more frequently and recover from economic slumps first and fastest.

In partnership with Dr Honeywill we are proud to reveal for the first time new digital-ready Premium framework to put you in the fast lane of the two-speed recovery.

The NEO Profiles are your Recession-Busters

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