Data Analysis
Roy Morgan Audiences brings together Roy Morgan’s industry leading Single Source and Helix Personas data, with a panel of over 19 million internet connected devices, to provide an unmatched level of accuracy and clarity in measuring digital audiences.
Unlock the DNA of Australia to discover the Why and What Next of consumer behaviour. Helix Personas is a powerful psychographic consumer segmentation and data integration tool that combines sophisticated psychographic, attitudinal and behavioural data to classify the Australian population.
The world’s most advanced suite of research tools for measuring respondents’ continuous real-time responses.
Single Source delivers an atlas of truthful, concrete networks between and within target customers. Connect purchase behaviour to media preference. Put ad awareness in the context of lifestyle goals. Correlate specific product attitudes to credit cards, technology adoption, or ‘No Junk Mail’ stickers. Explore. Discover. Know.
Organisations today are facing increasingly complex and sophisticated marketplaces. Audiences are more fragmented and demand targeted information — which is why marketers need a meaningful approach that goes beyond demographic and psychographic analysis. Roy Morgan Research’s Values Segments* are the answer.
Longitudinal Research
The Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health (ALSMH) was a longitudinal study of Australian men and boys between the ages of 10-55 aimed at identifying the factors that contribute to the poorer health outcomes in Australian males in general, and in particular sub-groups of men.
Roy Morgan and its’ Centre for Longitudinal Research believe in the impact of longitudinal data. We believe in longitudinal data’s ability to inform causation on individual behavior and on the cumulative effects of life cycle transitions.
Roy Morgan is proud to provide research services to the Department of Social Services for Footprints in Time: The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children.
Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) is a major study following the development of young people and their families from all parts of Australia. Roy Morgan is proud to be undertaking this study in partnership with the Australian Institute of Family Studies and the Department of Social Services.
The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey is a government-funded, longitudinal social research project, for which Roy Morgan Research conducts the survey. Also known as the Living in Australia study, it began in 2001 and provides a comprehensive view of the Australian population.
The International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project is an international cohort study of tobacco use.
Journeys Home is designed to provide integral information to assist with the Australian Government’s strategy to reduce homelessness in Australia.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme Evaluation Study was a longitudinal survey of people with disability, and their families and carers in the five trial sites of the National Disability Insurance Scheme
The Personality and Total Health (PATH) Through Life project is a longitudinal study that aims to track and define the lifespan course of depression, anxiety, substance use and cognitive ability.
Major Studies
The Digital Universe joins the dots between the myriad of platforms, products and trends comprising today’s digital landscape. Analysing Australians’ use of digital technologies and tracking the rise of the ‘connected consumer’, this important module of Roy Morgan Single Source is your business’s key to success in the next decade.
With our team of experienced face-to-face interviewers and innovative technology that can be adapted to client needs, it’s no surprise Roy Morgan Research is the first choice for government and other policy-makers looking to conduct large-scale research projects. We are currently working on several major projects.
What are the key trends facing Australians today? How have they evolved over the last 15 years? What could you do with this knowledge? Roy Morgan’s State of the Nation report provides a revealing, accurate insight into how Australia is changing.
Roy Morgan Research collects customer satisfaction ratings from ongoing Single Source surveys of over 60,000 Australians and 12,000 business decision-makers annually. This data is used to determine the monthly and annual winners of the Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards.
Our Risk Monitor tracks hundreds of brands across 25 industry sectors. It is available in a variety of formats, from snapshot overviews, to dashboards and deep-dive bespoke reports. Now an in-depth understanding of the trends and drivers of distrust and trust is at your fingertips.
The vast majority of Australians aged 14+ use some form of social media. Understanding your target market’s social networking habits is crucial for your business to thrive in this increasingly digital age. Our range of ready-made and customised products will help set you on the path to social success!
Understanding Young Australians is Roy Morgan’s twice-yearly report on what’s hot and what’s not among Australian children aged 6 to 13 years. Tracking kids’ behaviour, attitudes and media consumption, this continuous survey provides an invaluable insight into opportunities for marketers to reach this influential group.
Segmentation Analytics
What does brand equity mean to you? Depending whether you’re a CEO or a CFO, a marketer or a shareholder, you could see it as primarily financial in value, or you could consider it an indispensible marketing tool.
Roy Morgan has developed Food Segments — a market segmentation system that categorises people by their attitudes to food and cooking.
Market segmentation is central to the work we do at Roy Morgan Research. By dividing a market into distinct and specific sub-groups, we ensure that our clients can pinpoint their target audience and plan their new products and marketing communications accordingly.
By categorising the population according to their uptake of new technologies, Technology Adoption Segmentation provides a new level of understanding to help you target your best prospects and to inform your important marketing decisions.